[ASKKPOP] CHI CHI's Shine and Sui cover a ballad version of "Gangnam Style"

Ever sincePsy's "Gangnam Style" MV went viral online, there have been an increasing number of videos hitting the internet where fans have tried to parody the dance and emulate the singer's carefree attitude. In addition, some celebrities have also followed with videos of their own.
Going away from the parody route, the lovelyShineandSuiof girl groupCHI CHIhave recently attempted to do something different, and sing a more sensuous ballad version of the song onIdol TV CHI CHI. Though it may not have the LMFAO-esque beat or the infectious horse-riding dance, the girls definitely gave the song a fresh new feel while displaying their impressive vocal talent.
Watch the clip below and let us know what you think!
Tip : Randy