Baek Ah Yeon sings a refreshing cover of 'Let It Go'

Unlike most covers of the song, Baek Ah Yeon had an audience on set with MCKim Shin Youngand fellow guestsLadies' Code'sSojungandDickPunks'Kim Tae Hyunas she sang her heart out onMBC FM4U's 'Kim Shin Young's Noon Song of Hope'. Baek Ah Yeon's angelic voice made her cover sound refined and lovely.
Baek Ah Yeon is the next artist to cover "Let It Go" followingKiss&Cry'sDia'simpressive version,Davichi'sHaeri's great cover, 'Voice Korea' winnerSon Seung Yeon'stake, followed by ajoke rap coverfromMiryo, anotheramazing coverfromLush,SPICA'sBohyung'scover,She'z'sTaeyeon'scover, and Han Dong Geun'scover.
Which cover do you like the best?
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