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Actor Lee Jung Jin chooses Girl’s Day’s Yura as his ideal type

Actor Lee Jung Jin chooses Girl’s Day’s Yura as his ideal type

ActorLee Jung Jinconfessed that his ideal type of woman these days isGirl’s Day‘sYura!

On January 18th’s airing of ‘Section TV‘, Lee Jung Jin admitted, “These days, I’m into Girl’s Day,” piquing the curiosity of the others on set.

When asked who he would pick as his ideal type out of the members, he was quick to answer that it is Yura before the MC even finished asking the question, bringing laughs. He explained his reason saying, “She has a refreshing look. She also looks pretty when she smiles… I will like her from afar as a fan.

On another note, Lee Jung Jin is currently starring in ‘A Hundred Year’s Inheritance‘ alongside formerS.E.SmemberEugene.