[ASKKPOP] AKP ALLSTAR Community Spotlight #1

Greetings Allstars!
It's only been a couple days since the launch of our Open Beta, but the amount of positive feedback we've received so far has been phenomenal. To all the players out there, playing and supportingallkpop ALLSTAR—thank you. You guys have helped mold AKP ALLSTAR into the fun, exciting game it has become today.
This will be the first edition of AKP ALLSTAR'sCommunity Spotlight. Even though the game has been out for only a few days, we've decided to create a Community Spotlight because of the sheer number of fan-created works that we came across in our forums. We felt like it was only right to share the content with the rest of the community. Here are some of the great content that we came across so far!
Snowieeeis a Singaporean Youtube gamer that started AKP ALLSTAR just a couple days ago when Open Beta launched. His level of play is amazing for having such a small time-frame of play!
Game Tag: Snowieeee
Forum Tag: Snowieeee
When we first came across this video, we felt like this video could have passed as the official AKP ALLSTAR trailer. With his simplistic, yet effective editing, this video has caught our attention because of how well it was crafted. Props to youSean!
Game Tag: Sean
Forum Tag: KufufiXuwyen
Xuywenhas given our community a laugh with his funny bunny suit video. Although the video is basically Xuywen and a couple of other players running around in bunny costumes, it is somehow very enjoyable to watch. I mean who doesn't like watching big fluffy bunny rabbits doing silly things?
Game Tag: Xuywen
Forum Tag: Xuywen
Meepasaurushas been around since the early days of Closed Beta and somehow he seems to just crush any song we throw at him! This video was sent to us by Meepasaurus during Closed Beta. This video showcases his incredible talent — hitting an unbelievable 731 combo in Uptown Funk (Advanced Mode). WOW!
Game Tag: Meepasaurus
Forum Tag: MeepasaurusA big thank you to all the players above for sharing such great content and a big shout-out toNiaka, who happens to appear in 3 out of the 4 videos above!
As we continue to progress through Open Beta, we will be on the constant look out for user-created content. For players that want to share content with the rest of the community, we encourage you to start by posting content directly onto ourforums! You can also send your content tobetatest@6theory.com
If you haven't tried allkpop ALLSTAR yet, go toallkpop.com/gameto download the game. Once the game is finished downloading, use your allkpop/6theory account to log in!
See you guys in-game!