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10cm’s Kwon Jung Yeol talks about featuring in Byul’s “Cute”

10cm’s Kwon Jung Yeol talks about featuring in Byul’s “Cute”

10cm‘s vocalistKwon Jung Yeoltalked aboutfeaturinginByul‘s latest song.

He revealed, “I featured in Byul’s new song ‘Cute‘ last month, but that song is doing better on charts than our songs right now. There’s actually a funny story about how I came to feature in her song.HaHahyung called me early in the morning and said, ‘You know your sister-in-law is releasing an album in October, right?’ He asked me to feature in her album. I wanted to refuse because ourown albumwas coming out in October, but he kept asking me, so I did.

Kwon Jung Yeol went on, “When I feature in songs of friends, I don’t take money. I do it because of our friendship. But since ‘Cute’ did really well, shouldn’t HaHa hyung give me something? HaHa hyung bought me meat once and doesn’t even contact me much anymore.

He laughed and continued, “But it was really fun to record ‘Cute’. Since the song did so well, I don’t think I have to pay them newlyweds money at their wedding.

Check out the “Cute” MV below if you missed it.