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"Syndrome" Han Hye-jin's father loses his sight after surgery

"Syndrome" Han Hye-jin's father loses his sight after surgery

Lee Hae-jo (Han Hye-jin) from the JTBC drama"Syndrome"became a resident of the Korean Hospital.

She couldn't submit her papers on time on the way up to Seoul as she met an emergency patient but she ended up being recruited in the department of neurosurgery in the hospital's new cerebropathy center.

Lee Hae-jo showed signs of being somehow connected with Cha Tae-jin (Jo Jae-hyeon) in the previous interview. Cha Tae-jin greeted the first year rookie of the neurosurgical department and then found out that Lee Hae-jo had signed up for the extra recruiting spot.

When he told her that she looked familiar, she told him, "My father underwent tumor surgery under your hand 15 years ago". Her father had become blind after the surgery.

At the time, Lee Ki-jo said, "A human brain can't be controlled by humans" and showed appreciation for his work. Lee Hae-jo said, "I wanted to be trained by you" and got down on all fours to bow.

Meanwhile, Cha Tae-jin became director of the hospital and instead of building a critical care patient center, he pushed forward with the cerebropathy center to make it a medical tourism destination. In this process, Oh Eun-hee (Kim Seong-ryeong), who has facial recognition disorder, couldn't do anything to stop it.

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