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"Hanbando - Drama" Jeong Seong-mo succeeds coup d'etat

"Hanbando - Drama" Jeong Seong-mo succeeds coup d'etat

Jeong Seong-moand the rebellious forces succeeded in the coup d'etat.

On the episode of TV Chosun drama"Hanbando - Drama"aired on the 13th, Jo gook-cheol (Jeong Seong-mo) and his forces gunned down Kim Tae-seong (Seo Tae-hwa) and his forces.

The bodyguards and key personnel were shot dead as soon as they got off the plane and Rim Woo-cheol (Park Chan-hwan) was also shot but tried to protect Kim Tae-seong.

Rim Woo-cheol however, was dragged off by the rebellious forces and Jo Gook-cheol pointed a gun to Kim Tae-seong saying, "I chose the path to the social republic of the people and not a dog for capitalism".

Experiencing his fate, Kim Tae-seong said, "History will judge you" and faced death. The North Korean state of affairs leaned completely over to the rebellious forces.

Han Kyeong-ok (Kim Ji-sook) brought the North Korean army to take over and threatened Seo Myeong-joon and his crew.

Meanwhile, Rim Jin-jae encoded a password made of her birthday and snuck out critical technology.

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