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new stills and updated cast for the Korean movie "Pacemaker"

new stills and updated cast for the Korean movie "Pacemaker"

Added new stills and updated cast for the Korean movie "Pacemaker" (2011)

Directed byKim Dal-joong

WithKim Myeong-min,Ahn Seong-gi,Ko Ah-ra,Choi Tae-joon,Jo Hee-bong,Choi Jae-woong,...

Start of filming 11 April 2011
End of filming August 2011
A human drama based on an unlucky marathoner who had always been running as a 30km pace maker but gets to challenge a 42.195 km marathon for the first time in his life.
* A pace maker?
A player who supports the rhythm of a rising star during a game in swimming, long distance running, cycling and others.

Release date in Korea : 2012/01/18

new stills and updated cast for the Korean movie "Pacemaker"

new stills and updated cast for the Korean movie "Pacemaker"



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