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miss A reveal story behind J.Y. Park’s “half air, half sound” technique on ‘Weekly Idol’

miss A reveal story behind J.Y. Park’s “half air, half sound” technique on ‘Weekly Idol’

On the November 14th broadcast ofMBC Every1‘s ‘Weekly Idol‘,miss Arevealed the hilarious story behindJ.Y. Park‘s infamous “half air, half sound” technique.

Feistarted things off by sharing,“J.Y. Park PD is not the type to get angry very easily, but during recording [sessions], he often yells at us to breathe.”

Minthen went on to hilariously demonstrate how they follow his “half air, half sound” technique, and the other members responded in agreement,“This is how we really do it.”‘Weekly Idol’ hostsJung Hyung DonandDefconnalso tried out J.Y. Park’s themselves, bringing laughter to the set.

Check out a preview of the show below!