miss A's Fei and Jia along with Super Junior-M's Zhoumi to host new Chinese radio program

MBC's 'Visible Radio' now has a Chinese version calledC-RADIO, which will start with a program named 'Idols' True Colors.' The hosts of this show have been revealed on the 31st to bemiss A'sJiaandFeias well asSuper Junior-M'sZhoumias they already have wide recognition.
EXO-M's Chinese membersKrisandLayas well as dancing duo twinsTASTYwill personally visit the studio to show off their charms in their native tongue.
'Idols' True Colors' will allow viewers to see a new side of Chinese stars never seen before on Korean programs.
Zhoumi said, "I am happy that I will be able to greet fans through this new space provided by 'Visible Radio.' I will work hard to make it an enjoyable time."
Fei and Jia, who are currently preparing for their comeback next week, said, "We are more excited than ever because we get to become closer to Chinese fans through speaking Chinese. We ask for a lot of love for this and our new song."
The Chinese version of 'Visible Radio' will be targetting a Chinese audience and will be uploaded ontoYouTube,pooq, MBC channel, and strong Chinese distributing networks so look forward to the new program!