f(x)'s Amber sheds tears due to the language barrier on 'Real Men'

Despite her strong exterior image and outstanding athleticism, Amber said, "I can't understand," while tears flowed down her flushed cheeks. Other female soldiers, shocked by Amber's tears, gathered around her and comforted the idol saying, "Don't be discouraged, you should ask when you don't understand something."
However, when the stern platoon leader entered the room, Amber continued to stutter even more out of nervousness. When the platoon leader asked, "What happened here?" Amber replied as she choked on her tears, "When I train, I really can't understand. It's frustrating. Even when you explain, I keep forgetting and getting in trouble. There are too many words that I don't understand. There were around 100 words that I've never heard before."
Unlike the fellow soldiers, the platoon leader responded coldly to Amber's answer and said, "I'm sure everyone feels this way here. You might think that you're the only one, but everyone feels that way. Just because you feel that way, is it right for you to mess up the atmosphere? This is the army, we don't take the tears of a cadet."
Amber then responded with an unintended historical drama tone, "I understand, just forget it, please," drawing out an unexpected laughter in midst of an emotional scene.
Check out the recent airing of 'Real Men' featuring Amber, above!