What answer does Jackson give when asked which girl group outside of JYP is his favorite?
During the official introductory phase, Jackson introduced himself and BamBam as members ofGOT7, emphasizing that they are an acrobatics-focused group. Jackson then went on to demonstrate a complete 360-degree flip, staggering a bit yet managing to land with a heavy thud on his feet.
When a curious soldier asked him which girl group were his favorite, Jackson stayed loyal toJYP, answering, "I likeTWICE,Wonder Girls, andmiss A." The solider pressed Jackson, asking him to name girl groups outside of JYP. After some hesitation, Jackson carefully responded, "Because I'm contracted [with JYP] it's a bit risky to say. I will tell you four years from now."
PapaJ.Y. Parkmust be proud. Perhaps boxes of organic tea will await Jackson after this whole 'Real Men' ordeal.