WBW: 10 New School Remakes of K-Pop Classics
One thing K-pop does really well is pay homage to the earlier generations of singers, especially since many of the older generation are directly influencing today's artists as producers or company heads. One of the best ways K-pop does this is by allowing the younger groups to cover and remake old hits. On today's Way Back Wednesday, we'll take a look at some of your favorite artists of today paying tribute to some of the best songs from yesterday. There are so many out there but these were just a few of my favorites but please add any I missed.
Big Bang - "Ha Yeo Ga" (original by Seo Taiji and Boys)
Not only is this a vintage song but this specific performance is vintage too because this is back in 2006 when Big Bang wasn't the rock stars that they are now. It all makes sense of course sinceYGhead honchoYang Hyun Sukwas a member of the legendary Seo Taiji and Boys. I think Big Bang lives up to the high expectation with a pretty darn good performance. By the way, look atG-Dragon'sglasses...
Original 1993 Performance:
KARA & Rainbow - "To My Boyfriend" (original by Fin.K.L)
A full onDSPtribute with current label mates KARA and Rainbow teaming up back in 2011 to perform the breakout hit of the original DSP idol girl group, Fin.K.L. You know, the two groups should join forces more often and create a Voltron-like hybrid group to dominate all other girl groups! An Uncle Fan's dream I suppose...
Super Junior - "Happiness" (original by H.O.T)
Speaking of former label mates, Super Junior paid homage to the original idols andSMseniors H.O.T with this cover of the 1997 hit. I don't know exactly when Super Junior performed this but judging by their hair, it was probably quite a few years ago.
Original 1997 Performance:
Infinite H - "Come Back to Me" (original by Deux)
If you're aPump it Upfan, you probably heard this one before. One of the best songs from the early days of hip hop was given its proper due by the boys of Infinite H. No one can really duplicate what membersLee Hyun DoandKim Sung Jaedid but Infinite H does a commendable job and you can never get too much of this great song.
Original 1993 Performance:
SECRET - "Why Are You Calling?" (original by Diva)
Back to a song that's more my generation. After the break up ofRoo'Ra, memberChae Rinateamed up withVickiandJinnyto form the trio back in 1997. The lovely ladies of SECRET covered the song on 'Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketchbook' during a special episode called "youth night" and featuring songs from back in the day. Basically, tailored made for old guys like me.
Original 1998 Performance:
Teen Top - "I'm Not Stopping" (original by Zam)
So, I always talk about how much I love old school music but this song isold, I was in elementary school when it first came out back in 1992. Zam was among the first, if not the first, idol dance group in K-pop debuting from DSP over 20 years ago. The group was also unique in that it was a mixed group with four guys and a girl. I didn't really know about this song until much later but the fact that Teen Top decided to even take it on just makes them cooler in my book.
Girls' Generation - "T.O.P" (original by Shinhwa)
This performance is exactly why I like remakes and covers; Girls' Generation singing a Shinhwa song. I mean, I recognize the song of course but it's just such a different vibe that it seems totally different from the original. By the way, I think it's Tiffany on the far right end copying the infamous countdown that Shinhwa memberKim Dong Wandid on camera for one of their performances. The other cool thing about this performance is thatEricre-recorded the intro rap for this specific performance. Pretty cool.
Original 1999 Performance:
EXO - "We are the Future" (original by H.O.T)
EXO's take on "We are the Future" is actually really cool because it isn't just a remix of the original music but sounds like a totally modern version on what the song could have sounded like if it were made today. I still like the original better but this was a cool take on an old classic.4Minute Jiyoon - "Coming of Age Ceremony" (original by Park Ji Yoon)
This song has been remade many times, by both men and women, and is still one of the coolest songs that J.Y. Park has ever made. Jiyoon's version is maybe not as provocative as the original but she still brings the same sultriness and she puts on a great show.
2AM - "Proposal" (original by Noel)
I'll end on my personal favorite ballad cover when 2AM sang their verion of Noel's "Propose" during a radio appearance a few years back. The fellas at 2AM can straight up sing and I almost like this version better than the original... almost.