VIXX's agency confirms fan accounts of Leo getting hurt at 'Idol Star Athletics Championship'

After fan accounts surfaced regarding Leo getting hurt and the image above started to circulate, VIXX's agency responded to questions being raised by posting an official notice on the group's fan cafe confirming that Leo was indeed injured.
Jellyfish Entertainmentwrote,"Leo got hurt during the futsal preliminary match... Although his injury isn't severe, it has been recommended that he doesn't dance on stage for the time being."
Leo participated in the filming of the upcoming special of 'Idol Star Athletics Championship' as the captain of the C team in the preliminaries of futsal (indoor soccer match). During the competitive game, he ended up falling while playing, causing his injury.
His agency also added,"We tried to cancel his remaining broadcast activities, but for the fans who have been waiting VIXX's stage, he decided to carry on his schedules... For this week's broadcasts, he will perform sitting on a chair."
We hope Leo will make a speedy recovery!
Tip: idolfangirl41