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Ulala Session established its own company, “Ulala Company”


Group Ulala Session declined offers from various
entertainment agencies and decided to establish its own company.

According to CJ E&M on June 14, Ulala Session
established its own company named “Ulala Company".

Ulala Session was supposed to attend the meeting with
various entertainment agencies, but they decided to establish their own agency.

Ulala Session commented, “We had so many good offers, but we
wanted to stand on our own. We thank “Super Star K” and CJ E&M, who allowed
us to have the chance to unveil our existence to the world.”

CJ E&M, who temporarily managed Ulala Session, commented,
“As they are the team that had outstanding talents and competence, we hope that
they will grow to be one of the best musicians in the industry.”

Ulala Session released their first mini album “Ulala
Sensation” on May 10.