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Travel Bug Bites

Travel Bug Bites

The Seoul Sub -> Urban team tackle Saetgang Station, and Seoulistic shares 37 wacky places to call it a night in Korea.

Travel Bug Bites

"Saetgang Station (샛강역) Line 9 ? Station #916"

Charlie, Marissa, Meagan, and Liz visit Saetgang Station in their latest answer to that nagging question we all ask ourselves: "What if I just got off here? What's up there?"; never a dull scene when you've got Korea's slick subway system at your disposal!



Travel Bug Bites

"37 Pictures of Wacky Theme Love Hotels & Getaways in Korea"

This is great. Motels can be shocking and slick with history, but this post from Seoulistic showcases some of Korea's more awesome accommodations. This fun list of fantastically themed rooms features everything from iPhones to Soju, ancient royalty to street-side glam; and while this may not be every travel bug's delight, there just might be a room crazy enough to make you wonder for a night.


Source from :Hancinema