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Trailer released for the upcoming Korean movie "STAR"

Trailer released for the upcoming Korean movie "STAR"

Trailer released for the upcoming Korean movie "STAR"

"STAR" (2012)

Directed byHan Sang-hee

With Hwan-hee,Kim Soo-yeon-I,Kang Yo-hwan,Choo So-yeong,Song Jae-hee,Kang Hae-in,...

"The one and only concert is happening for her!"

At a stage in Japan, there is a collaboration between Asian s tar Romeo and Min-jeong the Queen of gayo. A woman who doesn't look like the stage-type looks around the performance hall and goes into Romeo's waiting room. Min-jeong's friend who studied fashion and design in America returns in 15 years doesn't recognize the s tar Romeo and asks for Min-jeong's waiting room. Romeo feels attracted to her but Ara only thinks about Muse. Scandal maker Susie appears between them and plots something big for her comeback...

Release date in Korea : 2012/10/11

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