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Trailer released for the Korean-Japanese movie 'Genome Hazard'

Trailer released for the Korean-Japanese movie 'Genome Hazard'

Trailer released for the upcoming Korean-Japanese movie "Genome Hazard"

"Genome Hazard" (2013)

Directed byKim Seong-su

WithHidetoshi Nishijima,Kim Hyo-jin,Yoko Maki,Manabu Hamada,Yuri Nakamura,Masato Ibu,...

"Genome Hazard" is a Korea-Japan co-production
Based on the Japanese sci-fi novel, Nijishima Hidetoshi stars as a man plunged into a nightmare. A man is confused after seeing his wife's corpse at home, then receiving a phone call from her. He is forced to question his own sanity and memories.

Release date in Korea : 2014/05/29

Source from :Hancinema