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This Week's Cultural news

This Week's Cultural news

A new musical has come to Korea! With a grandiose set, fantastic lighting and talented singers filling the stage, "Elisabeth" is sure to delight the audience this season.

[Interview : Robert Johanson, Producer] ""Elisabeth" is based on the real true story of Elisabeth, the Empress of Austria, who at a very young age became the empress. She was Franz Joseph's wife and she became the Empress".

"Elisabeth" has been rewritten in Korean for its Korea debut, and expectations are high. Female audience members were especially looking forward to hearing the story of one of history's most mysterious queens.

[Interview : Noh Hui-rim, Audience member] "I did some research online, and I saw that the musical had become a hot issue even before it came to Korea".

[Interview : Kim Ho-gyeong, Audience member] "It was time well spent".

[Interview :Yoo Jin, Audience member] "I can't wait to see how the actors in "Elisabeth" will use that story to show us their talent".

"Lucheni" is an anarchist being tried for the assassination of Empress Elisabeth. To prove his innocence, Lucheni recounts the story of Elisabeth's past.

[Interview : ] "I truly loved her".

Elisabeth suffers an accident as a little girl, and her life is saved by none other than the angel of death, "Tod". Tod continues to circle Elisabeth, seducing her with freedom through death, and Elisabeth finds it harder and harder to resist his seductions as she feels trapped in an unhappy marriage.

[Interview : Michael Kunze, Playwright of original "Elisabeth"] "She didn't want to lose her personality, and that made her into a very modern woman who tried to, I would say, liberate herself, and therefore she is such an interesting example of a woman who fights for her freedom".

Elisabeth was the queen of the most powerful kingdom in Europe in her time, yet she wished to be free from the restraints of palace life. She dreamed of liberty up to the moment she died.

[Interview :Ock Ju-hyun, Actress] "Focusing an entire musical on the life of one person risks the danger of being boring, but "Elisabeth" brings together a historical figure with an element of fantasy to make it exciting".

"Tod", the angel of death, always appears to Elisabeth in a critical moment to seduce her.

Tod is a dark and dreamlike character, but has an irresistible charm and makes seductive promises. He is a crucial element of the story.

[Interview :Song Chang-ee, Actor] ""Tod" is a character that is dark, like "Werther", but we come to realize that he wasn't always so dark. He finds freedom in his relationship with "Elisabeth", and that shows a glimmer of hope. It's a musical that evokes a lot of thinking".

The musical "Elisabeth" has already enjoyed success in many countries including Germany, Switzerland, and Italy.

A grand orchestra, an elaborate set, and the talented singing and acting of the castthe Korean adaptation of the musical "Elisabeth" promises to be even greater than its foreign predecessors thanks to the endless efforts of the entire team.

[Interview : Robert Johanson, Producer] "The thing that separates, I think, Korean actors from other countries that I've found, besides their talent, is the fact that they form such a family. They're so supportive of one another".

[Interview : Michael Kunze, Playwright of original "Elisabeth"] "Talent, you have here in Korea. Great singers, great actors".

[Interview : Sylvester Levay, Composer of original "Elisabeth"] "It comes from the part that these are musicians, they love their profession. They don't just go and play and read the newspaper, and play. They love what they do, and you can hear it. This is wonderful".

The unique story of a queen in love with death told with the majesty of Europe's royal courts! The life of Queen Elisabeth comes alive for audiences in Korea through the musical "Elisabeth".

This Week's Cultural news

A city is haunted by a terrifying creature with glaring eyes and sharp fangs.

[Interview : ] "Doesn't the body look a little strange"

[Interview : ] "Are you a forensic expert or something[Interview : ] "I hear there's a dog bite on the thigh".

"Howling"is about a serial killer wolf-dog.

[Interview :Song Kang-ho, Actor] ""Howling"is a crime thriller that tells the story of two detectives investigating a series of murders involving a "wolf dog"."

The only clue to solving a string of murders are the teeth marks of a mysterious beast. Two detectives begin their search.

[Interview :Lee Na-young, Actress] "The movie doesn't center on the murders themselves, but the detectives' changing emotions as the investigation unfolds. It's a very human, emotional, action-packed thriller".

As the two detectives investigate further into the murder, the case starts to reveal itself little by little

[Interview : ] "How did the wolf dog become a killer dog

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