[ASKKPOP] The 6 new members of 'Abnormal Summit' including S.M.ROOKIES Yuta are revealed!

It was a sad moment when 5 of our favorite 'Abnormal Summit' members left the show, but the bright side is that 6 new members will be joining in!
The profiles of the new 6 members have been released. They include:
Brazil'sCarlos, age 30, works at the Brazil Embassy
Norway'sNikolai, age 28, a grad student at Korea University in Korean Studies
Greece'sAndreas, age 26, an English teacher at a high school in Chungju
Poland'sPrzemyslaw, age 31, a Ph.D student at JoongAng University in Technology Studies
Egypt'sSammy, age 26, a grad student at Seoul University in the Department of Korean Language and Literature
Japan'sYuta, age 20, one of the S.M.ROOKIES/trainee inSM Entertainment
Their first episode will be the 53rd episode on July 6!
The production crew of 'Abnormal Summit' had stated that they wanted to show different countries' opinions on the show, and the new represented countries are Brazil, Norway, Poland, and Greece. And you might remember Egypt's Sammy back in the 11th episode when he guested as a visiting representative and had a heated discussion withZhang Yuan.
Watch the teaser below, and don't forget to tune in on July 6 to see how the new members fit in!