TINT celebrate Black Day by seeing who can eat jajangmyun the fastest
After Valentine's Day and White Day, the singles in Korea have their own kind of celebration. On Black Day, single people gather together to eatjajangmyun(noodles with black bean sauce) to celebrate - or maybe bemoan - the lack of a significant other.
However,TINTmade it fun by splitting into two groups, MeiandMi RimversusJaimeandSang Mi, for a competition. Each team had to finish a bowl ofjajangmyun, and whichever finished first would get a coupon allowing them to eat whatever they wanted for three days straight!
Although the girls definitely did their best, ignoring the black sauce on their faces, there was no clear victor in the end. Leader Mei then asked fans to decide which team was the winner on their fan cafe, leading to some fervent comment posting on the site.
Happy Black Day! Check out the video above, and let us know which team you think won the battle!