[ASKKPOP] TEEN TOP's C.A.P is not a ladies' man but a men's man

TEEN TOP starred on a recent airing ofSBS's 'Cultwo Show' and prated on about everything from the lyrics and choreography of their new song "Ah-Ah," to C.A.P's popularity among male fans.
When a certain male listener called to reveal that he is a TEEN TOP fan, the 'Cultwo Show' MCs asked, "Despite being a male idol group, do you have a lot of guy fans?" The members wasted no time in answering, "C.A.P has many male fans," to the surprise of the listeners. C.A.P, seeing no exit now that the big secret is out, explained, "At fan signings, there are several male fans."
The group also showcased the choreography for "Ah-Ah," flaunting fancy footwork for the impossibly fast steps to the chorus (Looks like it'd be a great workout, should you somehow not manage to trip over your own feet!).
Seeing the intricate steps, the MCs jokingly asked, "How do you dance like that and sing at the same time? Isn't it difficult?"Nielanswered honestly, "It's difficult. Because it's work," making everyone laugh.