[Spoiler] Which grandma rapper took home the diamond ring on the finale of 'Hip Hop Nation?

On this finale episode aired on May 27, the 8 grandma rappers and the 8 hip hop producers competed one last time to determine who would take home the diamond ring as the final winner of 'Hip Hop Nation'.
First up for the final battle, which began during last week's episode, actressLee Kyung Jinpartnered up with rapperP-Typefor "KIN".
Traditional Korean music singerKim Young Imand her partnerDinDinperformed "Call and Gather".
Fitness instructorYeom Jung InandMC Sniperperformed "30 Thousand Leagues in Search for Laughter" featuringBae Da Hae.
The show's oldest contestant, actressKim Young Ok, and her"grandson"producerMONXTA X'sJooheontook on a remake of "Turtle Ship" aided byf(x)'sLuna.
ActressLee Yong NyeoandGeeks'Lil Boitook to the stage with the help of some lion dancers for "Eastern Hustle".
ActressYang Hee Kyung, again joined by MC Sniper, performed "Sunny" featuring the vocal talents ofYoo Sung Eun.
Following, grandma rapperChoi Byung Jooand her partnersPhantom'sHanhaeandKittiBdropped it with "Youth 2016".
And finally, the youngest contestant and actressMoon Hee Kyung and her partnerCheetahperformed a sexy rendition of "If I Were on Television" featuringSkull.
In the end, the victory went to actress Lee Yong Nyeo and Lil Boi! Upon receiving her diamond ring, Lee Yong Nyeo stated,"The last place became first place. It's a peculiar happening, but thank you. It's like a new gift to me. I'll take [the diamond ring] to my mother."
Major respect to all of the 8 grandmas who took on this impossible challenge! What do you think of these grandma rappers' rap skills?