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Solbi reveals how she proved it wasn’t her in alleged sex tape

Solbi reveals how she proved it wasn’t her in alleged sex tape

Solbirevealed the measures she took to prove that the female in thealleged sex tapethat surfaced last year was not her.

On the October 31st broadcast ofMBC‘s ’Radio Star‘, she shared, “After watching the video, I wondered if I needed to deny that it was me. I thought that if I revealed myself then those who made the video would be in a tough spot, but after two years passed, it spread like wildfire on SNS sites. I knew it was serious then, so I sued them,” revealing what she went through.

She continued, “The first person to spread this lives abroad so we cannot catch them. The police asked me if I could take photos to confirm whether or not the video was authentic. They said it was because punishment for the crime is different based on if I really am the person in the video or if it was all made up. They said that I could be lying, so they had to make sure. I said I would do so if the penalty is different.

I went to the forensics department and took pictures of my body, such as my belly button. After it was finished, I got in my car, and tears started falling. I was sad and embarrassed, but I also think I grew more mature from the experience.