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Singer Lee to Return to Stage After Law School

Singer Lee to Return to Stage After Law School

Singer Lee So-eun, who debuted in high school but put down the microphone in 2009 to go to the U.S. to study law, is getting ready to return to the stage. She will give a solo concert in Seoul on Sept. 1.

The 30-year-old singer has recently graduated from Northwestern University Law School in Chicago and found a job with a law firm in New York.

"I decided to hold the concert to thank my fans who supported me while I was studying in the U.S"., she told the Chosun Ilbo. "But I don't consider it a comeback".

Her last fourth album came out in 2005, and since then she has focused more on study than on singing career. She earned a bachelor's degree in English literature at Korea University in 2007 and moved to the U.S. for a master program.

"I constantly challenge myself and look for new things to do in life", Lee said. She opted to study more instead of working as a singer in Korea because she wanted to do something that could change other people's lives.

"I felt disillusioned just doing volunteer work since it was only temporary", she said. "I can give people momentary happiness as an entertainer, but that doesn't last long. I wanted to something that could bring lasting change and improve their lives".

But studying in the U.S. was tough. "I was disappointed in myself many times for getting too emotional while studying something that requires a cool head like law", Lee said. "But every time I faced a wall, I watched my performances on the stage. I was no longer in the limelight, but I didn't want to forget the confidence I had performing".

She also wrote songs to overcome the stress of studying. "I've written around 14 songs so far", she said. Lee believes both music and law are a medium for interaction. "Music connects people's hearts, while the law connects us through social harmony", she said.

Her main work will be as an attorney. "But I plan to come to Korea often to perform as a musician", she added. "We live in an age where we can make music and release digital singles anywhere in the world".

She also plans to set up a music website in New York with her sister and pianistLee So-yeon. "I don't want to be constrained by other things and continue to pursue my own brand of music", she added.

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