Seungyeon teases Jinwoon with questions about his future plans with Go Jun Hee

Like everyone else these days, Seungyeon couldn't help but tease Jinwoon about his 'wife' Go Jun Hee.
The pair had an interview withMBC's 'Section TV Entertainment Relay' for theirdubbing gig on 'Epic'.Seungyeonused to be one of the reporters on 'Entertainment Relay', so she decided to put her previous skills to use by playing the role of the interviewer and turned to Jinwoon to ask, "What kind of person is Go Jun Hee?".
Jinwoonanswered, "She's honest and easy-going, but she's also very shy". He had a huge grin on his face, so Seungyeon teased, "You're really in love. How far have you gone, and what are your plans for the future?".
Her sudden questioning about their future plansleftJinwoon a bit flustered, but he quickly recovered to wittily answer, "We currently have no plans for children", making them both burst into laughter.
Tip: its_me