S.M.ROOKIES introduces Hansol, Jisung, & Mark + practice session clip with Tony Testa
The pre-debut team ofS.M.ROOKIESmight just be setting out to introduce all ofSM Entertainment's trainees at this rate as they're continuing to surprise with new additions every few days! Today, we're introduced to three more boys,Hansol,Jisung, andMark!
In addition to their eye-catching profile shots, we've also been given a look at a practice session of the 'S.M.ROOKIESBOYS' with famous dancer and choreographerTony Testa! In addition to spotting the three introduced today, there are others to be seen, which may be the previously introduced Jeno, Taeyong, and Jaehyun.
The pre-debut team previously introducedSeulgi(19),Jeno(13),Taeyong(18),Lami(10),Jaehyun(16), andIrene(22). So with these three added to the mix, we are now up to 9 yet-to-debut stars that we can look forward to debuting in the future!
So check out Hansol in the pic above, and the other two, along with the practice session clip, below!