[ASKKPOP] S.M.ROOKIES' Yuta says he never learned about Hashima Island in Japanese textbooks on 'Abnormal Summit'

Although viewers had been worrying that new 'Abnormal Summit' member,S.M.ROOKIES'Yutawould not have much to bring to discussion, he has been continuously bringing in new insight and information each episode.
In the latest episode of 'Abnormal Summit', the topic of Hashima Island came up. For those that don't know,Hashima Islandhas been abandoned for years and is famous for its undisturbed concrete apartment buildings. But the island was also a place where Korean and Chinese were forced into mining labor in the 1930s and 1940s. And as of this month, the island was officially approved as aUNESCO World Heritage Site.
Norway'sNikolaisaid, "When I was in Japan, I just thought Hashima Island was a cool place. But I came to Korea and learned a different history."
He said, "I learned that the Japanese brought Koreans and Chinese there for forced labor. There's no information about this in Japan. I'm curious as to how Japanese textbooks deal with this."
Japan's representative Yuta said, "Honestly speaking, I've never learned about Hashima Island in school and it's not written in textbooks. When I saw that Hashima Island was going to be registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, I searched it up and found out about the sad history.But it's true that the majority of Japanese people don't know about it."
Canada's representativeGuillaumesaid, "Hundreds of Korean people worked on that island like slaves. As if it's now registered in UNESCO, the history should be truthfully revealed."
How are you liking the discussions in 'Abnormal Summit' with the new cast members so far?