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Ryoo Seung-yong and Bada stuck together

Ryoo Seung-yong and Bada stuck together

Ryoo Seung-yongandBadaposed like a couple.

Badaposted on her Twitter, "I metRyoo Seung-yongon the seat next to me at the exhibit and fashion show. He kept making me laugh with his humor and he's so caring. He's the best" along with a picture.

The two of them are stuck together and looking at the camera. They attended the "2012 GS Shop Winter Collection".

Ryoo Seung-yongshowed off his cuteness with his face andBadacan be seen in sexy make up with red lipstick.

Netizen's say, "I am jealous ofBada", "Ryoo Seung-yongis the best" and more.

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