[ASKKPOP] Red Velvet reveal their ideal types

Red Velvetprovided a lot of entertainment through theSBSradio show 'Cultwo Show' on August 21.
DJJung Chan Wooasked the girls, "Between a manly man and soft man, which man do you prefer?" Red Velvet said they preferred someone who was in the middle. He then asked the girls about their ideal type.
Wendysaid it was a hard choice because everyone was so cool, but she ultimately chosePark Myung Soobecause he resembled her father whom she loved, making everybody laugh with her choice of the funny comedian and entertainer.
Irenerevealed she had no ideal type whileJoychose actorSo Ji SubandSeulgisaid, "I watched the movie 'Kundo,' and likedKang Dong Won."