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Rapper Double K reaches #1 on music charts with “MENT”!

Rapper Double K reaches #1 on music charts with “MENT”!

Double K‘s newest track “MENT” reached #1 on the music charts.

Last month, the rapper wasthe final winneralong with rookie partnerKwon Hyuk WooonMnet‘s “Show Me the Money“. The track has had a hot response and reached #1 on the music charts immediately upon its release. “MENT” is currently #1 onMnet, #2 onBugsandSoribada, and is within the top 10 of the other major charts.

On this achievement, Double K stated, “I was surprised because it’s the best results I’ve gotten since my debut. It’s only the beginning. I’m doing my best in making music, and I’m going to produce great music.

“MENT” featuresDynamic Duo‘sGaekoas a vocal, and features pickup lines of both men and women to the tune of classic hip hop music. The soft melody and Double K’s strong rap matches superbly and catches the attention of listeners.

Double Kreleased the teaserfor the music video for “MENT” on the 26th, and is planning to release the full music video on October 4th.