Original stage names revealed for some of today's most popular idols

Can you imagine your favorite idols' promoting with their original stage names?
TheWonder Girlsall originally were named 'L.C', which stood for 'Ladies Club'.Sunwas named 'Sunny',Soheewas named 'IC', andYennywas named 'Silver'. WhenHyunAwas preparing for the group, she was named 'Mint', and inactive memberMimiwas named 'Berry'.
BeforeBig Bangwas Big Bang, they were named 'Diamond'.T.O.Pwas named 'Mark',Daesungwas named 'Big Castle',Seungriwas named 'Sonic', andTaeyangwas named 'Taekwon'.
TVXQwas named 'O Jang Yook Boo', which is a phrase meant to signify all the internal organs in the body.Super Junior'sLeeteukwas named 'Kangsoo',Shindongwas named 'Woodong',Kanginwas named 'Woongdam', andKyuhyunwas named 'Kwihyun'.
What do you think of these names?
Source: Chosun Ilbo via Naver