ONF talk about 'MIXNINE' debut being cancelled + promoting at the same time as other 'MIXNINE' trainees

MembersHyojinandLaunwent as far as to become two of the finalists for 'MIXNINE', but the debut wasultimately cancelled. Hyojin said, "We went on 'MIXNINE' after we finished our debut promotions so we could let the public know more about us and show more of our individual charms. Everyone did well, and I was proud of them. I was grateful that we were able to finish without any incidents." He continued, "Laun and I were in the final 9, but the debut was cancelled. It's disappointing, but the members learned a lot of things about the stage through 'MIXNINE'. I think we all matured a step through the experience. We'll show a new side of ONF through that experience."