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More details about D-Unit’s very pretty 4th member their 2nd album produced by Zico

More details about D-Unit’s very pretty 4th member   their 2nd album produced by Zico

D-Unithas some more eye candy in store with the addition of a verypretty 4th memberand is now teasing with a blurred out photo as well as dropping details on their upcoming album, ‘Affirmative Chap.1‘!

In a previous article, D-Unit’s agency surprised fans as they announced their plans tobring in a new memberwho “possesses extreme beauty”. The member chosen is said to have been recommended byBlockB‘sZico, who is producing their upcoming album.

Since then, the agency has revealed some new information about this very pretty member:“D-Unit’s new member is a former model and child actress. She possesses beautiful visuals and will be 16 years old this year [Korean age], making her the youngest idol star of the current music scene.”

They haven’t yet addressed the most important detail yet though, as there is no mention about what role she will serve in the group. Will she be singing? Rapping? Or will she just be simply serving as a visual? We have no choice but to wait to see for ourselves, and trust that Zico has recommended her on the basis of talent as well.

As for their album, D-Unit will be returning with their 2nd studio album which will be split up into two chapters. Chapter 1 will feature 7 tracks and will be released on March 4th while Chapter 2 will include six tracks and be revealed soon after.

Despite being in the midst of controversy with his label,Zicowillingly took the time to help D-Unit by producing both title tracks of each chapter of the album.

Stay tuned for the first chapter on March 4th and more details regarding the new member!

More details about D-Unit’s very pretty 4th member   their 2nd album produced by Zico

Source + image: Sports Seoul viaNaver,OSEN