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[ASKKPOP] Lovelyz' Jin meets her doppelganger Yoo Hee Yeol on 'Sketchbook'

It's the meeting ofLovelyz'Jinand her doppelganger,Yoo Hee Yeol!  Apparently, she was known to have looked strikingly similar to the 'Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketchbook' MC.

When Lovelyz appeared on the program on October 30, he relayed his affections toward the group, stating,"It seems people like [Lovelyz] these days for their noble and warm atmosphere; Lovelyz are like young girls.  Even if it takes time, I feel like their true value will be extensively recognized."

Jin was also played side-by-side the MC because it had been well known on the internet that the two were deemed lookalikes.  Yoo Hee Yeol stated, "We really do look alike. However, isn't it too harsh to call a female idol by the nickname, Yoo Hee Yeol?"asking her,"Weren't you offended?"She replied,"I like it. Thank you."

Do you think they look alike?  Check out Lovelyz' performance of "Ah-Choo" below.

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