Kim Woo Bin and Suzy chosen as celebrities most desired as dining companions on Christmas Eve

On December 19, dining enterpriseGanggangsullaerevealed the results of a survey they started from December 2 to 17 for 'The Celebrity You Want To Dine Out With On Christmas Eve.' 298 people from their teens to forties took part in this survey with women choosing from male celebrities and the men choosing from female celebrities.
78 out of 151 female participants choseKim Woo Bin, putting him in first. Following him was 'Heirs' co-starLee Min Howith 44 votes. Gong Yoofollowed in third with 21 votes and after him wasKim Soo HyunandYoo Yun Suk.
For the men, 87 out of 141 choseSuzy, who ranked number one. In second place wasPark Shin Hye, also from 'Heirs,' with 35 votes, then Moon Chae Wonwith 11 votes for third place. Some also choseHyunAandDohee.
In addition, the participants were asked where they would want to go on a date and the results were ski resort (187 votes), amusement park (62 votes), and fancy restaurant (35 votes).
Another survey question was what couple item they wanted to share with the celebrity they chose for the dining question. The results were couple accessories like rings and watches (129 votes), couple clothes (97 votes), and scarves/gloves (45 votes).
Which celebrity would you want to eat out with on a romantic Christmas Eve?