[ASKKPOP] INFINITE's Sungjong has trouble adjusting to soldier life in upcoming episode on 'Real Men'

In the released teasers for upcoming episode of 'Real Men', new recruitINFINITE'smaknaeSungjonglooks like he'll be the next 'baby soldier' because he looks so young and innocent next to the other celebrity soldiers!
Sungjong andDon Spikeare the new soldiers to join in this week's episode, and everyone seems curious as to how they'll adjust from civilian to soldier!
It's thefirst army experience for both of them, so it definitely won't be a walk in the park. Sungjong was said to have trouble adjusting to 'army speech', which is another level of formal speech that isn't really used outside of the army.
The episode will air on June 28 at 6:15pm KST! Meanwhile, you can see the released teasers above and below and pray that army life won't be too hard for the new recruits!