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Han Ji-min and Micky Yoochun's ending of "The Rooftop Prince

Actor and actress Micky Yoochun and Han Ji-min expressed their thoughts about the ending of "The Rooftop Prince".

The two took on the roles of Lee Gak and Yong Tae-yong and Boo Yong and Park Ha in the drama "The Rooftop Prince" that ended on the 24th of May. They played two lovers back and forth the modern and Chosun times.

Han Ji-min and Micky Yoochun were full of love for their characters after the drama. They were happy and disappointed at the same time when their character names were mentioned.

(Han Ji-min) "I stayed home all the time after the drama. I am just stunned in bed at home. I am not happy it's over or sad. I just feel something missing".

(Micky Yoochun) "I felt the meaning behind the characters Lee Gak and Yong Tae-yong were really deep when I first read the scenario. I am grateful for Lee Gak. I was dependant on his character and learnt a lot from him. I was amazed that I could achieve all this from made-up character in a drama".

"The Rooftop Prince" ended openly. Lee Gak went back to the Chosun times but the reincarnated Yong Tae-yong reunited with Park Ha. The moment they held hands, the image was overlapped with Lee Gak. They confessed to each other, "I will love you forever even after 300 years".


(Han Ji-min) "There were many who were sad that Park Ha and Lee Gak weren't in the same time zone. I think about Yong Tae-yong as a reincarnation of Lee Gak and Park Ha that of Boo Yong's. When Lee Gak and Yong Tae-yong overlapped I think that means their souls are the same. In the end they are destined to be together. I started to believe in fate and destiny through this drama".

(Micky Yoochun) "I thought I was completely Yong Tae-yong. I hoped for Park Ha and Lee Gak to get back together again but the reality of the drama didn't let them. So it was hurtful and sad but I hope Yong Tae-yong and Park Ha is a happy ending to Lee Gak in the Chosun. He solved the mystery behind the princess' death and met Park Ha".
