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[ASKKPOP] Gilgun wishes Kim Tae Woo happiness in his life

After thepublic spatbetweenGilgunand her former labelSoul Shop Entertainment, Gilgun revealed in her recent interview with TV Report that she just wants everyone to be happy, includingKim Tae Wooand his wife.

During the interview, Gilgun expressed her regret in the situation, but also revealed that she wanted to let the truth be known in regards to the dispute between the singer and Soul Shop Entertainment's CEO, Kim Tae Woo.

She started to say, "It is saddening that it had to come to this. We basically attacked each other publicly. But the important thing was that I wanted to reveal my truth. I promise that I will pay back the prepayment from Soul Shop Entertainment when the contract ends and I start earning money [again].

The trust between each other was broken. We were close, so I signed with his label. Kim Tae Woo proposed to make me into 'Female version of Rain.' At the time I thought that it was a favorable plan. That was how we got to know each other, and I never thought that things would end up like this."

Luckily for both, Kim Tae Woo (Soul Shop Entertainment) and Gilgun solved their dispute without going to court, but both parties were significantly damaged in the public eye through multiple press releases to the media.

Although the chances of Gilgun's comeback in the near future seems slim, the singer seemed optimistic for her future endeavors and even shared that she is ready to pursue a new agency. She said, "If there is a place that needs me, if they would ask for me, I want to do it well. I learned dance since I was four so I really like dancing. If there is a stage I can perform on, I want to show my singing and dancing. More than anything, I want to become a person that the world can benefit from. From now on, I will share everything that I have through volunteer work.

I am sad to have lost a friend I've known for 10 years. But, I still wish Kim Tae Woo and his wife,Kim Ae Ri, happiness in their life. I never wanted to be the only one coming out happy [in this situation]. I want everyone to be happy. I will also continue to live with determination."