[ASKKPOP] GOT7 celebrate JB's birthday on the 1st episode of their reality web show 'Real GOT7'

JB sent out special invitations to his own birthday party where the boys gave thoughtful yet hilarious gifts, and membersBamBamandJacksonalso had fun learning the meaning behind 'SaengPa', which is short for birthday party (saeng-il party) and also means raw green onion.
The group also decides to figure out a way to get their first episode of their reality series more views. As they brainstorm, the first suggestion they hilariously come up with is to reveal Jackson's nudes, which Jackson doesn't respond to all that well, bringing tons of laughs. However, they eventually decide on 20 minutes of chat session with fans in the case that the first episode reaches 100,000 views.
So even though Jackson's nudes won't be revealed (try not to be too disappointed), still get those views up to earn 20 minutes of chatting with the charming boys of GOT7!
Tip: Kathy