Eric Nam and MAMAMOO's Solar settle into their newlywed home on 'We Got Married'

Eric NamandMAMAMOO'sSolarsettled into their newlywed home on the May 28 installment of 'We Got Married'.
The adorable bilingual couple moved their things into their new place, making sure to ask for blessings and eating the traditional move-in food ofjjajangmyun. They found all the furniture had been unexpectedly moved out, and Eric and Solar worked well together cleaning up their floors and patio.
The two then went shopping to buy things for their kitchen, a sofa, and other household necessities. They were shopping when Eric Nam suddenly said,"Are you going to cook me something in the pan tonight?"
Solar seemed caught off-guard as she said,"Me? Okay. Today, I'll cook something healthy and good to look at it. Eggs and rice."
The adorable bilingual couple moved their things into their new place, making sure to ask for blessings and eating the traditional move-in food ofjjajangmyun. They found all the furniture had been unexpectedly moved out, and Eric and Solar worked well together cleaning up their floors and patio.
The two then went shopping to buy things for their kitchen, a sofa, and other household necessities. They were shopping when Eric Nam suddenly said,"Are you going to cook me something in the pan tonight?"
Solar seemed caught off-guard as she said,"Me? Okay. Today, I'll cook something healthy and good to look at it. Eggs and rice."