Donghae and Henry's friendship makes Eunhyuk jealous
It all started whenDonghaetweeted a photo of himself proudly posing with Henry's 'Trap' album andwrote, "Nice album ... :)"and"Yo Henry :) Love ya~~". He alsoadded on, "1.4.3 Henry ~~". In response, Henrywrote, "Me too!!!! kekekeke".
The exchange made Eunhyuk speak up, whocomplained, "Hey, how come you didn't give me an album?". Henryreplied, "Because I like Donghae-hyung more kekekeke :P".
This caused Eunhyuk to jokinglytellHenry, "Trap sucks". Henry thenretaliated, "Hyung, this is a good picture of you ^^" and attached the photo below.

Eunhyukreplied, "Hyung was really mad this day, didn't you know?", which made Henrysay, "I love you, hyung. 143 (alluding to his song '143', which stands for 'I love you')."
Eunhyuk concluded the conversationwith, "It's not a simple number game."
Tip: oversleptgoddess