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Director Kim Jo Kwang Su to hold Korea’s first gay marriage

Director Kim Jo Kwang Su to hold Korea’s first gay marriage

DirectorKim Jo Kwang Su(48) will be holding Korea’s first gay marriage.

To celebrate, he held a press conference on May 15 outdoors at the cinema houseArt Ninein Seoul. He was accompanied by his husband-to-be,Kim Seung Hwan(29). It’s the first time Kim Seung Hwan stepped into the spotlight as he always always described as the man that is 19 years the junior of the director. Kim Seung Hwan decided to reveal himself to the public after receiving blessings from his family and friends.

The director announced, “I’m going to inviteMoon Jae In(presidential candidate), UN Secretary GeneralBan Ki Moon, and the PresidentPark Geun Hyeto my wedding. Even though President Park Geun Hye and I walk different roads both politically and philosophically, I think I should definitely invite her since shes’ the country’s president. I’m planning to invite many people who are in leading positions in Korea. I hope they can provide help in the advancement for the rights of the sexual minority.

His wedding is scheduled to be held on September 7. However, even when he does get married ceremonially, his marriage will still hold no legal weight in Korea. On this, the director stated, “Homosexuals should be given the same rights as heterosexuals. We’re going to work hard to legalize gay marriage in Korea.

Image: TV Daily