Dasom believes SISTAR's body figures aren't all that?
Apparently,Dasom doesn't thinkSISTARlooks aren't all that special.
The ladies held their comeback showcase on the 11th at the Seoul Lotte Card Art Center. During a press conference when asked about their superior body figures, Dasom said, "SISTAR has very plain, friendly bodies. We also have faces like the everyday girl living next door."
The MCJeon Hyun Moo was quite surprised at her claim, saying, "There's no way. Such a beautiful dongseng doesn't live next door to me". Dasom explained, "I mean that we're not fairies or angels."
Bora chimed in, "I think what she means is that we're all healthy."
SISTAR's known for their healthy, sexy bodies, so Dasom is definitely not as plain as she may think she is! What do you think about Dasom's statement?