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Create the Gadget of Your Dreams!

Create the Gadget of Your Dreams!

Introducing our new Dream Gadget Facebook app!

Hey blog readers. We're excited to announce that we've just put out our new Dream Gadget Facebook app.

Do you remember those childhood days when we were all curious and full of imagination? Did you ever come up with crazy inventions in your head or even on paper? (I used to draw flyingcarswhen my art teacher asked the class to draw our vision of the future world.) I, for one, miss the opportunity to ponder a slightly silly future.

The Korea AdvancedTechnologyandDesignteam is here to help. Check out our Dream Gadget madlib app and take a couple minutes to stretch your imagination and have a good laugh. All you have to do is like our page and select a few words. The result will be a funny and perhaps ridiculous device that will either leave you in stunned silence or rolling around laughing.

Excited to experience this app? Please click#

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