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Composer Hyuk Shin works with EXO on their next single

Composer Hyuk Shin works with EXO on their next single

After making a powerful debut with ‘MAMA‘ earlier this year, fans have been waiting for a while now for another comeback fromEXO-KandEXO-M.

Rumors have been afloat since months ago that the boys would be making a comeback towards the end of this year, and it seems those rumors will finally become reality soon enough!

It’s been revealed through composerHyuk Shinthat he’s working with them on a new single. Hyuk Shin is the composer behind the group’s popular ballad, “Angel“, off of their debut album.

After piquing curiosity with his first tweet, “I will be working with Exo tomorrow for new single!! it will be really fun!”and“in about 10 hours..another session with Exo-M.. I need to take some good sleep for tomorrow..”, he followed up to the anticipation of fans with group photos of both halves of the group the following days - tweeting,“Just finished the session with Exo-K.. The song came out so crazy!!!”and “With Exo-M.. 16 hour long session.. But it was worth it!”

In addition, it was also revealed through the previously released financial analysis reportdetailing the upcoming plans ofSM Entertainmentthat EXO would be making a comeback in December, so it seems we will be seeing the boys back on stage before the end of this year! Are you ready for EXO’s comeback?!

Composer Hyuk Shin works with EXO on their next single

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]