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[ASKKPOP] Choo Sarang and Yuto enjoy a Disneyland play date in preview cuts for 'Superman is Back'

Choo Sarangdolled up for her play date withYutoin preview cuts for 'Superman is Back'!

During the recording for the upcoming episode, Yuto ended up having a play date at Choo Sarang's house due to his babysitter going on vacation, bringing about a perfect opportunity to go on an outing to Disneyland (Tokyo) like Choo Sarang had wished for.

The lovely Sarang couldn't stop smiling at the very thought of going to Disneyland with Yuto. She wanted to look her best for him and immediately raced to brush her teeth to make sure they were squeaky clean afterYano Shihopointed this out. She also pulled out a dress that she rarely wears to look her very best.

Yano Shiho also hilariously gave her daughter some advice, as she said,"Don't be quick to kiss him",telling her to play hard to get after all of the cute kisses she and Yuto have shared before.

Stay tuned for their Disneyland outing this Sunday!