CL and G-Dragon show off their leader swag

"We, we, we the leaders, you ain't in the game, you're just a cheerleader" - CL
CLandG-Dragon, the leaders of YG Entertainment groups2NE1andBig Bang, flaunted their swag in a new photo.
CL posted the photo above onto herInstagramandwrote, “weweweda“, referring to the lyrics of the song she partook in withTeddyand G-Dragon titled, “The Leaders“. The two of them had the color palette of black and white, while posing to show off their characteristic charisma. Even though neither of them were dressed wildly, both of them proved they were fashionistas anyway with just their attitudes.
G-Dragon is currently preparing for his solo tour ‘One of a Kind‘, and CL is working on the2NE1album.