Bruce Willis congratulates Lee Byung Hun on his upcoming marriage!

An interview video ofBruce Willisand Lee Byung Hun talking about their movie 'RED 2' was recently revealed. For this movie, it wasactually the pair's second time working with each other, as they alsoworked together for 'G.I. Joe 2'. In the interview, Bruce Willis said, "We worked well with each other from the very beginning. I was really impressed when I did two movies with him. His moves are accurate but safe, and he acts out even the rough action scenes realistically."
Lee Byung Hun said, "I worked with incredible actors, I've worked with a dream cast, and I still can't believe this. Legendary actors supported me as a maknae (in Hollywood)."
Bruce Willis then turned to Lee Byung Hun and shouted, "Congratulations on your marriage!".
Fans commented, "He's joking around with Bruce Willis.... huk", "Rain, Lee Byung Hun is what you call a true world star", and "I'm looking forward to this movie!".