[ASKKPOP] A Pink gift their backup dancers with clothes

On January 23, a member of A Pink'sDQ dance team,Sunmi, wrote on herTwitter, "Our A Pink babies said that DQ worked hard and bought us training suits. We were grumbling that we didn't have enough money to buy pants keke. Thank you, we will work even harder. #APink #DQ #APinkaresantababies #myheatingpadisalsopinkpink."
Along with the tweet, Sunmi uploaded a picture of theadidasclothes she received against the backdrop of her pink heating pad.
우리 에이핑크 아가들이디큐 고생한다구 트레이닝복 사줬징자기들 바지사입을 돈도없다구 찡얼대더니ㅋㅋㅋㅋ고마워 더 열심히하끄야#에이핑크APINK#디큐DQ#에이핑크는산타아가들#나의전기장판도핑크핑크해pic.twitter.com/UvVPBwf7lb
— SUNMI (@DQsunmi)January 23, 2015
On the same day, another DQ memberChoi Seung Ahwrote on her Twitter, "A Pink, without thinking about the fact that they are the main highlight of their concert, bought us training clothes as presents... <3. I am thankful. They must be having a difficult time too but they are angels who worry over us as soon as they see us TT. #Apink1stCONCERT #PinkParadise, let's have strength <3."
Along with her tweet, Choi Seung Ah revealed a picture containing shopping bags with DQ's new training clothes.
콘서트연습에 눈동자의초점을잃어가는 우리를위해 연습복을선물한#Apink..♡감동이야 본인들도힘들텐데볼때마다 우리걱정해주는 천사들 T T#Apink1stCONCERT#PinkParadise힘냅시다♡pic.twitter.com/a96M4cFHPj
— 최승아 (@DQagency_Sa)January 23, 2015
Finally, a third DQ memberKo Kyung Junwrote on hisInstagram, "These girls have great sense / awareness, I'll wear these well. They gifted me with my favorite kind of clothes."